The Great Wines of Piedmont

Alta Langa DOCG

Alta Langa is a DOCG sparkling wine produced in several municipalities of the Alessandria, Asti and Cuneo provinces.


The name would derive from the colour of the gold yellow grape, which shines in autumn, when the sun of the early morning enlightens them.


The production area consists of some 1450 hectares, spread over 11 municipalities of the Alessandria province


The wine produced is characterized by the sweet hints of ripe yellow fruit and orange and lime flowers which never tire the palate.


Arneis in the Piedmontese dialect refers to a naughty character as, according to legend, it is a wine with a difficult processing.

Verduno Pelaverga DOC

This vine variety produces one of the smallest DOC of Italy and has been able, over time, to conquer a large and heterogeneous public.

Dolcetto d’Alba DOC

Dolcetto d’Alba is a DOC wine whose production is approved only in the provinces of Asti and Cuneo. Traditionally, it is Langhe’s most consumed table


The Barbera vine variety is rural and handcrafted and is one of the most representative of Piedmont’s wine history. For those tasting it, it will be fascinating and funny to discover it in every variation.


A noble vine variety, rich in history and charm, characterized at the same time by power and elegance.


In the land of Roero, which is on the left bank of the Tanaro River, the Nebbiolo vine variety becomes the pure expression and a mirror of the territory where it grows.

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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